Azar Grammar Series: Basic English Grammar, 3rd edition
Vocabulary Worksheets help students learn new vocabulary in the context of the grammar covered in the tables of contents of the Azar textbooks or any comparable syllabus. An Answer Key and Word List for target vocabulary are provided for each chapter. You may download, reproduce and adapt the material to suit your classroom needs.
Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice 5th Edition By Ronald Hoffman, Bruce Furie, Philip McGlave, Leslie E. Silberstein, Sanford J. Shattil, Edward J. Benz, Helen Heslop "Encyclopedic and will likely be the standard by which future hematology textbooks are judged." -Journal of the National Cancer Institute "Highly recommended for anyone seeking a comprehensive source of information on hematologic disorders. Likely to become worn out from use." -Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine -
Song Lessons reinforce grammar structures using well-known songs. You may download, reproduce and adapt the material to suit your classroom needs. There are lesssons for Basic, Fundamentals, Understanding & using English Grammar Audio with subtitles for ALL levels added Thanks to visan!
A supplementary booklet for "New Opportunities" and "Going for Gold" courses. Ranges from pre-intermediate to upper intermediate level. Contains communication activities for Matura exam in its basic and extended version.