Beginning Level
Azar Grammar Series: Basic English Grammar, 3rd edition
Vocabulary Worksheets help students learn new vocabulary in the context of the grammar covered in the tables of contents of the Azar textbooks or any comparable syllabus. An Answer Key and Word List for target vocabulary are provided for each chapter. You may download, reproduce and adapt the material to suit your classroom needs. There are 17 pdf files in the archive.

1. Singular nouns
2. Singular nouns
3. Names of places
4. Adjectives
5. Adjectives
6. Prepositions and adjectives
7. Prepositions of place
8. Adjectives
9. Geography words
10. Adjectives
11. Adjectives
12. Adjectives: Opposites
13. Nouns and adjectives
14. Adjectives
15. Adjectives: Opposites
16. Scrambled letters
17. Vocabulary review: Adjectives
18. Which word doesn’t belong?
19. Crossword
Answer Key
Word List
1. Colors
2. Colors
3. Colors and clothes
4. Clothes
5. Possessive adjectives: Family relationships
6. Family relationships
7. Family relationships
8. Days and Months
9. Parts of the body: People
10. Parts of the body: Animals
11. Parts of the body and colors: Animals
12. This, that, these, those
13. Clothes, shapes, parts of the body
14. Scrambled letters
15. Vocabulary review: Opposites
16. Vocabulary review
17. Which word doesn’t belong?
18. Word find game
Answer Key
Word List
1. Verbs: Occupation activities
2. Verbs: Everyday activities
3. Verbs: Occupation activities
4. Weather verbs
5. Verbs: Everyday activities
6. Verbs: Animal activities
7. Verbs: Everyday activities
8. Verbs: Everyday activities
9. Verbs: Opposites
10. Nouns and adjectives: People’s faces and hair
11. Time and place words
12. Nouns
13. Vocabulary review
14. Vocabulary review
15. Which word doesn’t belong?
16. Vocabulary review
17. Crossword
Answer Key
Word List
1. Verbs: Present activities
2. Verbs: Present activities
3. Verbs: Present activities
4. Verbs: Present activities
5. Verbs: Present activities
6. Verbs, nouns and prepostions
7. Verbs: Present activities
8. Verbs: Present time
9. Verbs: Present time
10. Verbs: Present time
11. Nouns: Things you fix
12. Verbs: Opposites
13. Which word doesn’t belong?
14. Word search game
Answer Key
Word List
1. Time words
2. Time and food words
3. Time words
4. Prepositions of time
5. It is (weather)
6. Weather words
7. Prepositions of place
8. There is / are
9. There is / are
10. Vocabulary review
11. Scrambled letters
12. Vocabulary review
13. Which word doesn’t belong?
14. Crossword
Answer Key
Word List
1. Review: Kinds of words
2. Review of adjectives: Opposites
3. Review of prepositions: Opposites
4. Common nouns
5. Regular and irregular plural nouns
6. Nouns and verbs: Water
7. Nouns and verbs: Birds
8. Singular and plural nouns
9. Vocabulary review
10. Which word belongs in the group?
11. Verbs: Opposites
12. Vocabulary review
13. Vocabulary review
14. Which word doesn’t belong?
15. Word search game
Answer Key
Word List
1. Noncount nouns
2. Vocabulary: Preview for reading passage
3. Vocabulary: Preview for reading passage
4. Reading: Thunder and Lightning
5. Reading: The Food Pyramid
6. Count and noncount nouns: Food
7. Reading: A Healthy Dinner
8. Vocabulary review
9. Vocabulary review
10. Count and noncount nouns
11. Vocabulary review
12. Noncount nouns: Expressions of quantity
13. Which word doesn’t belong?
14. Crossword
Answer Key
Word List
1. Present and past time
2. Reading: Dinosaurs
3. Vocabulary review
4. Reading: The First Woman in Space
5. Nouns and irregular verbs
6. Vocabulary review
7. Housekeeping activities
8. Housekeeping activities
9. Verbs: past time
10. Vocabulary review
11. Vocabulary review
12. Which word belongs?
13. Vocabulary review
14. Verbs: Present and past
15. Verbs: present and past
16. Verbs: Present and past
17. Verbs: Present and past
18. Word search game
Answer Key
Word List
1. Question words
2. Reading: A Terrible Morning
3. Vocabulary review
4. Vocabulary review
5. Vocabulary review: Opposites
6. Vocabulary review
7. Vocabulary review
8. Reading: The Same Things Every Day
9. Verbs: Present and past
10. Vocabulary review
11. Reading: Hoover—A Famous Seal
12. Vocabulary review
13. Which words belong?
14. Scrambled letters
15. Crossword
Answer Key
Word List
1. Future time
2. Vocabulary review
3. Future time: Travel words
4. Future time with be going to
5. Which sentence doesn’t belong?
6. Future time with will
7. Vocabulary review
8. Reading: Interviews by a TV Reporter
9. Vocabulary review
10. Vocabulary review
11. Vocabulary review: Prepositions
12. Vocabulary review
13. Vocabulary review
14. Which word doesn’t belong?
15. Missing letters?
16. Word search game
Answer Key
Word List
1. May, might and will
2. Future time with will
3. Vocabulary review
4. Predicitions
5. Vocabulary review
6. Reading: Job Opening—Assistant Tour Guide
7. Reading: Job Opening—Legal Assistant
8. Reading: A Job Problem
9. Future time
10. Vocabulary review: Opposites
11. Vocabulary review
12. What’s the right meaning?
13. Vocabulary review
14. Vocabulary review
15. Scrambled letters
16. Crossword
Answer Key
Word List
1. Things people and animals can and can’t do
2. Things that people can do
3. Where can I…?
4. Reading: An Honest Boy
5. Vocabulary review
6. Things people couldn’t do
7. Vocabulary review
8. Vocabulary review
9. Reading: The Beginnings of a Writer
10. Vocabulary review
11. Vocabulary review: Opposites
12. Reading: Helen Keller—An Amazing Woman
13. Vocabulary review
14. Word search game
Answer Key
Word List
1. Do not do this!
2. Things people shouldn’t do
3. Vocabulary review
4. The meaning of signs
5. Reading: Ada’s Advice
6. Vocabulary review: Opposites
7. Things you should or must do
8. Vocabulary review
9. Reading: Global Warming
10. Vocabulary review
11. Which word doesn’t belong?
12. Crossword puzzle
Answer Key
Word List
1. Nouns and adjectives
2. Nouns and adjectives
3. Reading: Johnny Appleseed
4. Vocabulary review
5. Vocabulary review
6. Apples
7. Vocabulary review
8. Vocabulary review: Opposites
9. Using nouns as adjectives
10. Which word doesn’t belong?
11. Vocabulary review
12. Linking verbs and adjectives
13. Word search game
Answer Key
Word List
1. Possessives: Family relationships
2. Possessive nouns and pronouns
3. Possessive nouns and pronouns
4. Vocabulary review
5. Reading: Emperor Penguins
6. Vocabulary review
7. Vocabulary review
8. Vocabulary review: Opposites
9. Vocabulary review
10. Missing letters
11. Which word doesn’t belong?
12. Crossword
Answer Key
Word List
1. The same: Shapes
2. Reading: Games
3. Vocabulary review
4. Comparisons
5. Reading: Two Beautiful Homes
6. Vocabulary review
7. Comparisons: Well-known sayings
8. Vocabulary review: Opposites
9. Comparisons: Geography
10. Which word belongs?
11. Vocabulary review
12. Which word doesn’t belong?
13. Comparisons
14. Word search game
Answer Key
Word List
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