Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Kids, Maths | 11 June 2008
Using a blend of fun poetry, clearly written helping text, and riddles, this book takes the mystery out of math and makes solving word problems fun. After all, what is a word problem but a cleverly concealed riddle?
The book focuses on fractions, starting with basic fractions and then moving on to more advanced concepts such as equivalent fractions, reduced fractions, and addition with fractions.
Readers learn to interpret pie-graph representations of fractions and also learn about negative numbers, number sentences, quantity comparisons, and the concept of infinity.
A glossary of math terms and a brief review appear at the end of the book.
The Economist is an English-language weekly news and international
affairs publication owned by "The Economist Newspaper Ltd" and edited
in London. It has been in continuous publication since James Wilson
established it in September 1843. As of 2006, its average circulation
topped one million copies a week, about half of which are sold in North
America.Consequently it is often seen as a transatlantic (as opposed to
solely British) news source.
In this book, William Corsaro and his Italian co-author, Luisa
Molinari, tell a complete and important story about the lives of
children as they grow from young preschoolers to preadolescents in
Modena, Italy.
The authors both fully explore and participate in the
rich, complex history and development of the Italian early education
system. This compelling ethnographic study:
* Documents how young children in Italy are prepared, or primed, for the transition from preschool to elementary school.
Examines how the transition relates to academic and social development,
including details about the children’s school and peer cultures before,
during, and after the transition.
* Includes interviews with
parents, teachers, and children, engaging anecdotes, and examples of
children’s art and literacy projects.
* Suggests dramatically
different approaches that schools and communities can take to support
children’s and families’ development and learning.
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Non-Fiction | 8 June 2008
Barack Obama, a black man raised by his white mother and grandparents,
decided to journey to Kenya to learn more about his African father
after receiving news of his death. This memoir is not about his
father's life, but about Obama's, and he brings that home with an
intimate tone rather than that of his public speeches. (His 2004
Democratic Convention keynote address is included at the end.)
Throughout the book, the U.S. Senator looks at race from the point of
view of someone who has seen and been part of a variety of cultures,
and he explains how his perspective shaped his views. The book, written
in 1995, before his election to the Illinois Senate, gives listeners a
chance to learn more about a young senator who has recently made news
by speaking out on the Patriot Act and President Bush's next Supreme
Court nomination.
The book with the same title is a brand new look
at what Mars really must be like,
and reveals numerous important ancient Mars artifacts
that NASA knows about and has been hiding all along.