This two-volume set consists of entries related to literature by and about African American women, with a focus on feminist and womanist approaches by writers of fiction, nonfiction, drama, and poetry. Meant to contribute to the ongoing transformation of the American literary canon, the encyclopedia includes 400 entries appropriate for scholars, high school and college students, and general readers. A sampling of writers: Phyllis Wheatley, Zora Neale Hurston, Suzan Lori Parks, Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, Mae Cowdery, and Kate Drumgoold.
Edited by: IrinaM - 31 July 2009
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Charles Bukowski is one of America's best-known contemporary writers of poetry and prose, and, many would claim, its most influential and imitated poet. The short stories collected in the volume are evocative of Bukowski at his best, when he was one of the premier short story writers still at the top of his talent.
Caribbean Travel & Life is devoted to bringing paradise right to your doorstep! Whether it's undiscovered beaches, the best luxury resorts, or the finest snorkeling destinations, our veteran writers have been there and bring back all that is special in the Caribbean.
Caribbean Travel & Life is devoted to bringing paradise right to your doorstep! Whether it's undiscovered beaches, the best luxury resorts, or the finest snorkeling destinations, our veteran writers have been there and bring back all that is special in the Caribbean.
A comprehensive guide to writers and their works will help readers understand where the books they read belong in the history and development of literature, see how they work technically, and appreciate them more fully. This comprehensive survey of writers and their works presents a "good reading guide" of important books from Chaucer to T. S. Eliot, and clear explanations of the history and techniques of fiction, poetry and drama.