Supplement XIII is to a degree focused on contemporary or fairly modern writers, many of whom who have had little sustained attention from critics, although most are rather well known. A number of classic writers from the distant past included here are important authors from earlier centuries who, for one reason or another, had yet to be treated in this series.
American Writers Classics, Volume I is the first volume in a series that represents a further development of the American Writers - A Collection of Literary Biographies. American Writers Classics provide substantial articles that focus on a single masterwork of American literature, whether it be a novel, a sequence of stories, a play, a long poem or sequence of poems, or a major work of autobiography or nonfiction.
Supplement XV is focused on contemporary writers, many of whom have had little sustained attention from critics thus far, although most are well known. As ever, the purpose in presenting these critical and biographical essays is to bring readers back to the texts discussed, to help them in their reading, and to generate appreciation for the role these writers have played in the creation of a distinguished and useful cultural past and literary present.
SUPPLEMENT III, Part I: John Ashbery to Walker Percy SUPPLEMENT III, Part 2: Philip Roth to Louis Zukofsky The twentynine essays in this third supplement maintain the original goals of the series, each providing—for students in secondary and advanced education, librarians, scholars, critics, and teachers — a comprehensive treatment of the work and life of each author.
Supplement XII centers on contemporary writers from various genres and traditions who have had little sustained attention from critics, although most are well known. Among the poets discussed are Fleur Adcock, Kamau Brathwaite, G.F. Dutton, Peter Fallon, Hugh MacDiarmid, and R.S. Thomas. A fair number of contemporary fiction writers are considered, including Peter Carey, Louis De-Bernières, Janice Galloway, Philip Kerr, David Malouf, and Patrick O’Brian.