This supplement brings together a wide range of articles on American writers, most of them contemporary, although a couple of them reach back to neglected, but important, writers from the literary past. Writers from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds have contributed a great deal to contemporary literature, and several of the strongest among writers of fiction are considered in this volume.
Supplement IX is mostly about contemporary writers, many of whom have received little sustained attention from critics. Some of the important writers from the past have already attracted a good deal of sustained attention, and their work is often taught in college courses, but for various reasons their careers have not yet been discussed in American Writers. It is time they were added to the series. The poets included here are well known in the poetry world, and their work has in each case been honored with major literary prizes.
Contemporary Authors New Revision Series, Volume 200
A Bio-bibliographical Guide to Current Writers in Fiction, General Nonfiction, Poetry, Journalism, Drama, Motion Pictures, Television, and Other Field
Contemporary Authors (CA)Series provides information on approximately 135,000 writers in a wide range of media, including:
Current writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama Prominent print and broadcast journalists, editors, photojournalists, syndicated cartoonists, graphic novelists, screenwriters, television scriptwriters
Supplement XVI focuses on contemporary writers of fiction, many of whom have received little sustained attention from critics. We also examine the work of several important writers in the tradition of nonfiction—one of those widely used terms that never seems quite specific enough. A number of classic writers are treated here as well. The critics writing in this collection represent a catholic range of backgrounds and critical approaches, although the baseline for inclusion was that each essay should be accessible to the non-specialist reader or beginning student.
Authors such as Gish Jen, Jhumpa Lahiri, Chang-rae Lee, Ha Jin, Amy Tan, and Maxine Hong Kingston are among the established authors and newly emerging voices profiled in Asian-American Writers. This new volume also discusses their acclaimed works to assist students studying these authors and their writings