New English File Pre-Intermediate Workbook Рабочая тетрадочка для уровня Pre-Intermediate.
The Workbook is comprehensive in that it gives the student practice in all the grammar structures and vocabulary from the main text. However, unless the class is an intensive one or the students are particularly keen, it’s best to set homework selectively otherwise the amount of marking becomes impracticable or the students start to suffer from homework overload and the focus of their language learning turns to formulating plausible excuses for not doing it.
Added by: Pffy | Karma: 785.54 | Exam Materials » GRE | 27 October 2006
Kaplan GRE Exam Verbal Workbook comes complete with a targeted review of all the tested material on the Verbal section of the GRE, plus Kaplan's renowned test-taking strategies.
New International Express Intermediate Workbook Новая популярная линейка учебников английского языка для взрослых - International Express. Только рабочая тетрадь, самого учебника нет. Незаменимое пособие на курсах повышения квалификации специалистов, в обучении смешанных групп на предприятиях, при переподготовке кадров для внешнеэкономической деятельности и работы в международных фирмах.
International Express Intermediate, New Edition A new edition that retains the successful combination of general and work-related English with over 70% new material. Grammar presented through authentic international contexts, for students to analyze and formulate the rules.
Focus on English for socializing, telephoning, and participating in discussions, enabling learners to communicate confidently in work-related situations.
Recognizes adults as active, resourceful learners, with regular review units, Workbook, Student's Cassette and Audio CD.