Research shows that reading comprehension improves when students have a strong oral and print vocabulary. By providing students with word-study opportunities, students are encouraged to develop a love of language and an ongoing curiosity about words, their origins, and their multiple meanings and usages. The vocabulary word lists, skills-practice exercises, reviews, and tests provided in these Vocabulary Power Workbooks may be used for systematic vocabulary instruction, enabling students to expand their vocabularies, develop a deeper understanding of language, and improve their reading comprehension.
Slang, however one judges it, shows us at our most human. It is used widely and often, typically associated with the writers of noir fiction, teenagers, and rappers, but also found in the works of Shakespeare and Dickens. It has been recorded since at least 1500 AD, and today's vocabulary, taken from every major English-speaking country, runs to over 125,000 slang words and phrases.
The coursebook combines the advantages of the direct and communicative methods. The direct method lets the young student master the most essential skills – speaking and listening comprehension – in a fast and attractive way. The communicative method helps consolidate English grammar and vocabulary in real everyday life contexts.
This brand-new edition of Essential Words for the TOEFL is specifically designed for ESL students preparing to take the TOEFL and features updated vocabulary that is seen most often on the exam. It includes phrases and "purpose" words (for example: define, discuss, claim, etc.) that are used in the speaking and writing sections of the test; new words and phrases; lists of vocabulary words with definitions, sample sentences, and practice exercises for 500 need-to-know words ; and, detailed advise to help students expand their English language vocabulary, and more.
Improving your vocabulary is one of the most important steps you can take to feel more confident about the Test of English as a Foreign Language. The Princeton Review's TOEFL power Vocabulary has the words, tools, and strategies you need to help boost your comprehension levels and improve your score, including: + frequently-appearing TOEFL exam words In-context examples and secondary definitions that help focus your study sessions Mnemonic devices and root guidelines that expand your vocabulary