This book has been written for students who are planning to take the First Certificate in English (the FCE) and who want to develop their vocabulary for the exam.
The various exercises throughout the book focus on the vocabulary that FCE students would expect to use in the Speaking, Writing and Use of English papers, or that they might come across in the Reading or Listening papers.
Check Your Vocabulary workbooks are aimed at learners of English who want to build vocabulary in a specific area. Check Your Vocabulary for Life in Britain is a new title in the range which focuses on the everyday English vocabulary required for would-be British citizens and people for whom English is a second language who want to live, study and work in Britain. Like all titles in the Check Your Vocabulary range, Check Your Vocabulary for Life in Britain will comprise quizzes, word games and puzzles that help teach and build vocabulary in a stimulating way.
This workbook provides a resource for students studying towards the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam, which is a requirement for entry for non-native speakers of English at over 6,000 universities in 100 countries worldwide.
It includes a range of fun activities to help students build and improve their English vocabulary at TOEFL level, and is suitable for both self-study and classroom use.
Energy is a four level course with dual entry at either false beginner or elementary level. Energy ensures that students have the tools and training they need to learn, remember and use new language.
Energy is correlated to the Common European Framework.
The CD-ROM provides vocabulary, grammar, communication, pronunciation and skills work (such as reading and listening) exercises for each unit.
In English language, swearing is essential to effective communication. Whether you want to succeed in business, school, or social circles, a strong command of vocabulary is absolutely necessary. ESF*L is the perfect way for non-native speakers to learn the basics of swearing. At the same time, it also offers native speakers a wide variety of twists and new refinements. ESF*L provides a smorgasbord of swearing synonyms designed to boost your vocabulary - everything from the conventional d*mn and sh*t to a host of more inventive terms that would make any truck driver blush.