Winning Poker Tournaments One Hand at a Time, Volume I
Want to win poker tournaments? Now you can learn exactly how consistent winners REALLY do it! Meet PearlJammer, Rizen, and Apestyles. These top guns of tournament poker are frequent winners in today's highly competitive online scene, as well as in live tourneys. Their collective experience and track record is staggering: more than 35,000 tournaments played, more than 1,000 final tables made, over 200 major wins, and more than $6,000,000 in cashes.
This is the first of a divided two-part softcover edition of the "Lectures in Astrobiology Volume I" containing the sections "General Introduction", "The Early Earth and Other Cosmic Habitats for Life" and "Appendices" including an extensive glossary on Astrobiology."Lectures in Astrobiology" is the first comprehensive textbook at graduate level encompassing all aspects of the emerging field of astrobiology.
This volume resumes the narrative begun in its companion volume, "The American Republic", which covered the first eight decades of U.S. history, ending at the onset of the Civil War. "The American Nation" continues the story through America's entrance into World War II.
WOMEN IN PEACE POLITICS This book’s premise is that women are important actors in peace politics. Before addressing the question of why focus on women in peace politics, one perhaps has to make an attempt to define what is peace. Peace has long been a problem and a puzzle, not the least because more histories are written of war than of peace. Peace is neither sensational nor heroic enough to command its own genre of history.
Selected Works of A.N. Kolmogorov: Volume I: Mathematics and Mechanics
Product Description: This volume is the second of three volumes devoted to the work of one of the most prominent twentieth-century mathematicians. Throughout his mathematical work, A.N. Kolmogorov (1903-1987) showed great creativity and versatility and his wide-ranging studies in many different areas led to the solution of conceptual and fundamental problems and the posing of new, important questions.