Survival of the Fittest: The Shifting Contours of Higher Education in China and the United States
This book will examine how universities in China and the US are responding to markets and increasing global competition. For both countries, a university education is seen as key to economic development. While China and the US have two very different political systems, they represent the two largest economies in the world and share beliefs that higher education plays an integral role to economic development. The book will bring together scholars with multiple perspectives on the topic to create dialogue around similarities and differences.
Периодическое издание "Граємо в англійську" станет отличным помощником для преподавателей младших классов или родителей. Каждый журнал посвящен одной теме. Содержит различные тематические игры,карточки,задания,которые помогут Вам в изучении новых слов.Задания на английском языке. Topic - The United States of America
There is no group of birds more mysterious and fascinating than owls. The loudmouths of the raptor world, they peep, trill, toot, bark, growl, shriek, whistle, chittle, whoop, chuckle, boom, and buzz. Indeed, very few actually "hoot." They have become the stuff of lore and legend-from the Roman myth that an owl foot could reveal secrets to the First Nations belief that an owl feather could give a newborn better night vision. But the truth about owls is much more exciting.
Education for sustainable development (ESD) presents an intriguing challenge in developed countries. The very notion of sustainable development may appear to be at cross-purposes with the social and political aims of large industrial economies. Yet, arguably, the residents of wealthy countries may be most in need of new ways of thinking and behaving on an increasingly more fragile and crowded planet. This book presents a collection of essays that capture the depth and diversity of education for sustainable development (ESD) work in formal education in Canada and the United States.
"United States Government: Democracy in Action" reflects the most current information on the United States government, focusing on the changes that have occurred in the past years. This High School textbook offers students hands-on activities with Democracy in Action Workshops, allows students to "Revisit" real Supreme Court cases with Supreme Court Cases to Debate, involves students in debating today's hottest issues. The Issues to Debate features show students how their lives are connected to the complex political world around them. Reading age for native speakers: High School students