Langenscheidt Muret-Sanders
e-Grosswoerterbuch Englisch
E-Grosswoerterbuch on CD-ROM of Muret Sanders English - German &
German - English, ideal for professionals, teachers and translators, who
look for a particularly large dictionary on CD-ROM, with altogether
approximately 410,000 references and idioms, over 770.000 translations,
free on-line actualization of dictionary contents by Download from the
Internet, recognizing multi-word terms, idioms and altogether far over
one million of bent word forms (nouns, adjectives, verbs etc.).
The largest bilingual dictionary in the world offers comprehensive coverage of many technical fields, including economics, electronics, science, space travel, sports, and more. Essential for professional translators and reference libraries.
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Tags: dictionary, English, translators, CDROM, idioms |