British Council Learn English Professionals Podcasts Part 6
British Council Learn English Professionals Podcasts Part 6 LearnEnglish Themes Podcasts are for learners at Intermediate to Advanced level and cover a large number of themes. LearnEnglish Themes Podcasts are a way for you to practise your English language listening skills...
Perhaps the most famous treatment of the themes of Enslavement And Emancipation is in the 'Book of Exodus', but the two themes continue to be prominent in great literature today. This title examines the themes of enslavement and emancipation in 'Beloved', 'The Death of Ivan Ilych', the speeches of Abraham Lincoln, 'A Room of One's Own', and many other notable works. Featuring original essays and excerpts from previously published critical analyses, this addition to the Bloom's Literary Themes series gives students valuable insight into the title's subject theme.
The role of civil disobedience, the act of defying society for the greater good, has been a theme of many famous and often controversial literary works. This volume explores the role of civil disobedience in '1984', 'Antigone', 'The Crucible', 'Fahrenheit 451', the speeches of Malcolm X, and many more works. Featuring original essays and excerpts from previously published critical analyses, this addition to the Bloom's Literary Themes series gives students valuable insight into the title's subject theme.
In literature, the theme of alienation is frequently represented through characters that are psychologically isolated from society. This volume contains 19 essays that explore the role of alienation in such works as 'The Bell Jar', 'Brave New World', 'Waiting for Godot', 'The Iliad', and many others. Featuring original essays and excerpts from previously published critical analyses, this addition to the Bloom's Literary Themes series gives students valuable insight into the title's subject theme.
The trickster, whether in the form of a benign practical joker or a malevolent charlatan, has been a popular literary character for centuries. This volume examines the role of the trickster in works such as 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn', 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', 'On the Road', 'The Wife of Bath's Tale', and many other works frequently studied by high school students. Featuring original essays and excerpts from previously published critical analyses, this addition to the Bloom's Literary Themes series gives students valuable insight into the title's subject theme.