10 Ready-to-Go Math Performance Assessments (Grades 3-6)
Make math time magnificent with these engaging performance assessments that kids love. As they tally purchases for a charitable shopping spree or design an event for the Measurement Olympics, you'll be able to assess their mastery of mathematical skills and their ability to apply them to real-world problems.
Young people around the world are increasingly able to access English language media online for leisure purposes and interact with other users of English. This book examines the extent of these phenomena, their effect on language acquisition and their implications for the teaching of English in the 21st century.
When Lord Asano drew his sword on Lord Kira one spring day in 1701, it began a story that is now a national legend in Japan. Lord Kira lived, but Lord Asano died, and after his death, his samurai became ronin, samurai without a master. And so began their long plan for revenge on Lord Kira. Their loyalty to their dead master
The Business Plan Workbook: The Definitive Guide to Researching, Writing Up and Presenting a Winning Plan
The Business Plan Workbook has established itself as the essential guide to all aspects of business planning for entrepreneurs, senior executives and students alike. Based on methodology developed at Cranfield School of Management and using successful real-life business plans, The Business Plan Workbook brings together the process and procedures required to produce that persuasive plan. The case examples have been fully updated and include a cross section of businesses at various stages in their development, making the book invaluable reading for anyone in business - whatever their background.
The English and the French are at war in North America. Two sisters,Cora and Alice, want to visit their father. They begin their journey with the English officer, Duncan Heyward and Indian guide, Magua.
On their journey, some will be heroes and some will die. And what will happen to their friend Uncas, the last of the Mohican Indians?