Published by MIT since 1899, Technology Review is the authority on the future of technology. Each issue provides unparalleled insights on the cutting edge technologies that are changing the world and the way that you do business. Every article is a clear account of what's happening in the world of technology and business using fresh analysis and bold opinion that are critical to today's decision makers.
Published by MIT since 1899, Technology Review is the authority on the future of technology. Each issue provides unparalleled insights on the cutting edge technologies that are changing the world and the way that you do business. Every article is a clear account of what's happening in the world of technology and business using fresh analysis and bold opinion that are critical to today's decision makers.
Here for the first time you can read: • how a space technology start-up is pioneering work on expandable space station modules • how Robert Bigelow licensed the TransHab idea from NASA, and how his company developed the technology for more than a decade • how, very soon, a Bigelow expandable module will be docked with the International Space Station.
Asian Scientist is an English language science and technology magazine published in Singapore. The magazine covers science, medical and technology news updates from the Asia and Australasia regions. It has a keen interest in the Asian biomedical and pharmaceutical sector. It devotes categories to research and development, health, medicine, new media and education.
Help your students achieve their best with this textbook, which has been created after listening to the needs of students and teachers. We understand that a real understanding of Food Technology requires more than simply ticking off theory listed in the specification. Students need to know how and where to apply it, and understand why.