Based on years of teaching experience, this informative handbook presents easy-to-understand instructions with sidebars to help students master beading techniques. Each of the 13 beading techniques are first explained in detail, then further explored with projects to enhance the beader's skills and confidence. The 63 projects included—ranging from bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings to findings, closures, beaded beads, and other beaded objects—teach a single project or technique arranged to build skill.
Tatting: Adventures with Beads, Shuttle and Heedle
This latest book by Judith Connors continues the study of beaded tatting. It includes excellent instructions and extremely clear diagrams for basic beading techniques as well as more unusual bead placements. Her method on placing a bead in the center of a ring using a long picot is quite progressive.
Consumer-driven products have kept the food industry at the forefront of technological innovations. For example, the redefinition of the once accepted compromise between convenience and quality is just one of the current issues driving the development of new products. An overview of a range of solutions for these challenges, Innovation in Food Engineering: New Techniques and Products addresses not only new or alternative technologies but also new products, materials, and additives that have emerged as a response to current and emerging issues faced by the food industry.
Combining linguistic theory with analytical concepts and literary interpretation and appreciation, "Jane Austen's Narrative Techniques" traces the creation and development of Austen's narrative techniques. Massimiliano Morini employs the tools developed by post-war linguistics and above all pragmatics, the study of the ways in which speakers communicate meaning, since Austen's 'wordings' can only be interpreted within the fictional context of character-character, narrator-character, narrator-reader interaction.
Landscape Architecture - the magazine of the American Society of Landscape Architects provides timely information on built landscapes and new techniques for ecologically sensitive planning and design.