Technical English for the fourth year of Technical Schools of Architecture, Building Engineering and Surveying
The textbook is "Technical English for the fourth year of Technical Schools of Architecture, Building Engineering and Surveying". It is not new one, but it has very good structure and good texts for learning a technical English.
Vicki Hollett and John Sydes (Pre-Intermediate) TECH TALK Description: A practical course for adult learners working in the international technical sector.
Embedded Systems Dictionary
Though the use of embedded processors is now a practice more than three
decades old, there’s been no previous attempt to gather all its
vocabulary in one place and clarify the meanings and usage of
individual terms. This dictionary provides the precise definitions
needed to use embedded systems terminology properly. This authoritative
work defines the meaning and usage of 2,800 of the most-used terms in
embedded systems in a way that serves technical and non-technical
audiences alike. Key terms are defined in encyclopedic detail. In each
case, the primary definition is a concise statement of that term’s
meaning tailored to the needs of less technical readers.
Engineers, technical writers, and others will find ample expansion of each definition including:
* pronunciation
* abbreviations and acronyms
* alternative terms
* cross references
* examples
* diagrams, schematics, and figures
* equations
* code listings
* tips for further reading
Grammar Punctuation And Capitalization: The four chapters making up this reference publication were originally written as part of an ongoing effort to write a style manual for the Technical Editing Branch of the NASA Langley Research Center. These chapters were written for technical publishing professionals (primarily technical editors) at Langley. At the urging of my branch head, I am making this part of the style manual available to the technical publishing community. This publication is directed toward professional writers, editors, and proofreaders. Those whose profession lies in other areas (for example, research or management), but who have occasion to write or review others' writing will also find this information useful. By carefully studying the examples and revisions to these examples, you can discern most of the techniques in my editing "bag of tricks"; I hope that you editors will find these of particular interest.
Aimed at students and professionals with an intermediate level of English, this highly accessible and practical new series is designed to activate effective communication skills in the workplace.
- Essential vocabulary and phrases are presented through short dialogues or texts
- Helpful language notes highlight and reinforce the key language points
- Enjoyable practice exercises consolidate language at the end of each unit
- Recordings of all the dialogues on CD provide useful speaking models Audio added for Technical English, thanks tojoseirdeto!