The English-Russian dictionary of technical abbreviations contains nearly 65,000 entries covering various fields and subfields of engineering and technology. Abbreviations are widely used in technical literature and, as a rule, they create difficulties for the reader. Numerous abbreviations are used in technical literature dealing with space, agriculture, electronics, computer science, chemistry, thermodynamics, nuclear engineering, refrigeration, cryogenics, machinery, aviation, business, accounting, optics, radio electronics, and military fields, including abbreviations used on a wide scale by the Navy, Airforce and the Army.
If you are creative, with an orderly mind, and can write clear, concise instructions, then you can be a technical writer. This book will show you, step by step, how to turn your talents into a rewarding and highly lucrative writing career! This inspiring and invaluable guidebook will give you the confidence and information you need to plunge into one of the hottest fields in an industry that is only getting hotter!
This absorbing book tells the story of Mars since the dawn of mankind's curiosity for celestial wonders. It covers everything, right from our ancient beliefs, through the revolution in our concepts of the cosmos around us in the 1600s, to the present day knowledge and beyond. It takes the reader on a journey all the way to the futuristic visions of science fiction and terraformed Mars with conditions suitable to Earth life. The story is told in a readable form with an absence of technical jargon. The text is supported by informative imagery and a simple, but inspiring layout with some special features such as a "flip movie" of the rotation of Mars.
Blogging to Drive Business: Create and Maintain Valuable Customer Connections
Blogging to Drive Business will help businesses of any size learn more about blogging, from both the technical and strategic perspectives. After all, you need the specific technical instructions to set up your blog and add information to it, and you need to know how to get eyeballs looking at your blogs and how to leverage your blog with your other online (and offline) marketing efforts.
Technical English is a four-level course specially written for students in technical or vocational education, and for company employees in training at work.It covers the core language and skills that students need to communicate successfully in all technical and industrial specialisations.