Practice tests helping students through the Cambridge Proficiency Examination.The book is accompanied by a Teacher's Guide containing the answers to the exercises as well as notes on the word usage.
Книга для учителя. Содержание традиционное для подобных книг: поурочные планы, полезные рекомендации, дополнительные активитиз, тестовые задания и, конечно, же ключики. The book for teachers. Contents traditional for such books: teaching plans, useful recommendations, additional aktivities, tests and, of course, the key. REDUCED VERSION by Pumukl
серия учебных пособий, где в основу изложения матерала положен согласованный подход из четырёх ступеней, позволяющий обучающимся проще усваивать сложные аспекты грамматики A series of training manuals, where the basis of the materals is a coordinated approach in four stages, allowing easier for students to learn the complex aspects of grammar, and teachers - to explain and consolidate the material with less effort. Each course has several elments such as Grammar in Context, Grammar Presentation, Focused Practice, and Communication Practice. ENGLISH ONLY, WITH KEY
Making Sense of Education provides a contemporary introduction to the key issues in educational philosophy and theory. Exploring recent developments as well as important ideas from the twentieth century, this book aims to make philosophy of education relevant to everyday practice for teachers and student teachers, as well as those studying education as an academic subject.
Behaviour remains a huge issue of concern at all levels of education. This book draws together research and practice to uncover the complexities of improving behaviour and attendance in school and offers a range of practical solutions aimed at tackling behavioural issues and its prevention for schools, teachers, non-teaching staff, and those working to support them in Local Authorities.