Cpe Use of English Examination Practice (Student's book + Teacher's book)
Published by: 1234567890 (Karma: 139.24) on 10 November 2008 | Views: 48464 |
Key features - condensed presentation of grammar structures followed by graded exercises on each structure
- consolidation units consisting of:
- cloze passages
- phrasal verbs
- idioms
- prepositions
- sentence completion exercises
- transformation exercises
- rephrasing exercises
- proof reading exercises
- word usage
- collocations
- practice tests helping students through the Cambridge Proficiency Examination.
- Appendices on phrasal verbs, idioms, prepositions and verbal constructions.
The book is accompanied by a Teacher's Guide containing the answers to the exercises as well as notes on the word usage.
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Tags: English, Examination, Practice, PracticeCpe, answers, containing, exercises, notes, usage, REDUCED, Teachers, Teachers |