Longman Introductory Course for the Toefl Test (Cd-Room)
This course is designed to help intermediate students increase their scores in all sections of the TOEFL Test, including the Test of Written English. The course features skills and strategies for each section of the Test, abundant practice, two complete practice tests, and a teacher's manual.
Kaplan's TOEFL® Exam Workbook with 3 Audio CDs, 3d Edition provides a complete review of all the material on both the computer-based and paper-based TOEFL® exam, plus targeted practice for all sections of the test. This review, plus Kaplan's powerful test-taking strategies, makes TOEFL® Exam Workbook a highly effective tool to help you score higher on the TOEFL® exam and make yourself more competitive for admission to an American university.
Listening: The listening portion consists of two conversations and four academic lectures, all much longer than current passages. Note-taking is now not only allowed but necessary for successful completion of tasks. Critical thinking, interpreting, categorizing, and understanding purpose and stance are necessary skills.
Added by: zryciuch_83 | Karma: 392.36 | Black Hole | 2 December 2009
Praktyczny przewodnik po błędach, które najczęściej popełniają Polacy uczący się angielskiego, czyli nieocenione vademecum dla maturzystów, studentów, osób zdających egzaminy Cambridge lub TOEFL, ale także dla tłumaczy, lektorów i nauczycieli.