The end of her high-profile broadcasting career came too soon for TV journalist Alison Reynolds -- bounced off the air by executives who wanted a "younger face." With a divorce from her cheating husband of ten years also pending, there is nothing keeping her in L.A. any longer. Cut loose from her moorings, Ali is summoned back home to Sedona, Arizona, by the death of a childhood friend. Once there she seeks solace in the comforting rhythms of her parents' diner, the Sugarloaf Cafe, and launches an on-line blog as therapy for others who have been similarly cut loose.
In order to bring some minimal amount of order to the chaos that almost inevitably attends the use of the word ‘existential’ in a linguistic investigation, the author reserved the term existential sentence (ES) to designate all and only those English sentences in which there appears an occurrence of the unstressed, non-deictic, ‘existential’ there.
A cover letter is like the icing of a cake or a movie poster.
Basically, it aims to tease potential employers and to give them an engaging reason to read through your resume. Remember that there are millions of job seekers out there, and to catch an employer’s eyes is a critical step in surviving a highly competitive field.
What is ethnicity? Is there a 'white' way of speaking? Why do people sometimes borrow features of another ethnic group's language? Why do we sometimes hear an accent that isn't there? This lively overview, first published in 2006, reveals the fascinating relationship between language and ethnic identity, exploring the crucial role it plays in both revealing a speaker's ethnicity and helping to construct it.