Added by: msaddam | Karma: 741.13 | Other | 4 November 2008
"Teaching Spoken English: Words,Chunks and Grammar" is a tiny presentation prepared by Ronald Carter of University of Nottingham.This is a PDF format of a PowerPoint presentation of 13 slides depicting the importance of "chunks" in Spoken English.
Попытки иностранного студента расслышать то, что в реальности произносится, часто не имеет успеха, так как фонетика не является единственным основанием для понимания. Попытка уйти от проблемы реальной фонетики и сконцентрироваться на чисто языковых моментах также не приводит к успеху, так как невоспринятым бывает самый обычный материал. Многие сложные вопросы фонетики рассматриваются в книге 'Listening to Spoken English'
The main topic of this revised and updated edition is the comprehension of the spoken language. Subjects covered include the function of intonation and paralinguistic features, while revisions made include a new section on `pause' and how this interacts with rhythm.
There is a 'written language bias' in the language sciences, particularly in linguistics. Within the discipline of linguistics, models and theories of language have been developed that are strongly dependent on long-time traditions of dealing with writing and written language. This legacy is still alive in modern, mainstream theoretical linguistics. As a consequence a paradox arises: there is an almost unanimous agreement on the absolute primacy of spoken language, yet language is explored from theoretical and methodological points of departure that are ultimately derived from concerns with cultivating, standardising and teaching forms of written language.
This collection reviews 20 years of research into Spoken Discourse by the Birmingham group, allowing, for the first time, a developmental perspective. It combines previously published but unavailable work with new research. Bringing together recent theories of discourse structure, with a new and detailed analytic framework, the book emphasizes both historical context and new developments.
Describing Spoken English provides a practical introduction to the pronunciation of contemporary English. Requiring no prior knowledge of phonetics or phonology, the book examines the main varieties of English, focusing on the elements common to all native-speaker varieties and presents the differences as minor variations on a theme.