The Professional English series is designed for both pre-work students and those already working.
English for Business provides students with the language and life skills necessary to pursue business-related career goals. Through language pratice based in real world situations, this intergrated skills approach builds confidence and motivates students towards successful careers. Students can pratice English language skills in the following business-oriented scenarios: Resume-buiding, Interview skills, Sales and marketing, Finance, Global concerns in the workplace.
The English for Business Teacher's Resource Book offers detailed teaching notes with clear objectives supported by the following tools: complete answer keys for all exercises in the student book, two-page photocopiable tests for all units with optional listening, speaking, and testing guidelines, additional photocopiable activity pages for further practice of lesson objectives, photocopiable reading and writing resource pages.
- Time Management, & Study Skills - Building Self-Esteem - Improving Writing Skills - Planning a Great Science Fair Project - Strategies for a Multi-Age Group - Making Current Events Meaningful
Wordsmith: A Creative Writing Course for Young People (Student book and Teacher's guide)
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Coursebooks, Kids | 2 June 2008
Wordsmith creative writing curriculum
helps kids develop writing skills that will last a lifetime. Teaching
writing skills has never been easier than in this dynamic writing
program. The Wordsmith Student Book is an easy-to-use creative writing
course for young people that will develop their love for writing while
building practical writing skills. The major principles addressed in
this book apply to both types of writing:
Use definitive nouns and verbs, descriptive modifiers.
Understand and use sentence structure to advantage.
Anchor your writing in concrete detail; don't generalize.
writing, in the simplest terms, is literally expressing oneself: a
person communicating what is in him to the world outside. Why is this
important? After all, most of the writing a child will have to do
throughout his student career will be of the expository type: factual
and objective. In an information age, the demand will increase for
articulate writers who can communicate information clearly, without
artistic frills or "creative" flourishes. So why bother with creative
writing at all?
Expository writing is from the head; creative
writing is from the heart.
The most memorable non-fiction is not dry, but
charged with life and emotional appeal. The best fiction deals in
concrete incident and detail, not vague flights of fancy.
writing is a good place to start learning these principles, because
your child has all the materials needed close at hand....language and
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Non-Fiction | 2 June 2008
Poets will build their poetry-writing skills with help from past and
contemporary masters--everything from generating ideas to examining the
finished poem.
They'll learn how to:
* Use journals to develop their
observational skills and turn life experiences into ideas for poems
Master the tools of the trade--voice, line, stanza, title, meter and
* Acquire fluency in a variety of poetry formats and forms,
everything from narrative, lyric and dramatic verse (traditional
formats) to fixed, free and sequence styles (traditional forms)
* Fine
tune their work Exercises, assignments and sample work from more than
100 standout poets--everyone from Louise Glück to Walt Whitman--ensure
that every reader, whether poet, student or bibliophile, discovers just
how extraordinary poetry can be.
In this Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Jared Diamond argues that both geography and the environment played major roles in determining the shape of the modern world. This argument runs counter to the usual theories that cite biology as the crucial factor. Diamond claims that the cultures that were first able to domesticate plants and animals were then able to develop writing skills, as well as make advances in the creation of government, technology, weaponry, and immunity to disease