The Road Back to Nature: Regaining the Paradise Lost
Fukuoka’s reflections on his trips to Europe and to America, his sense of shock at seeing the destruction wreaked in the name of agriculture. A collection of his lectures, articles and essays which outline his thinking on nature, God and man and his underlying optimism that good sense can still prevail and we can still turn it all around.
English Result Upper-Intermediate at level B2 is a new general English course which focuses very strongly on student motivation and communicative speaking outcomes.Highly visual whole-page texts make every lesson enjoyable, and putting real-world language into practice creates a real sense of success. Upper-intermediate has authentic BBC audio and extra Listening lessons.
Music is one of the great unsolved scientific mysteries. Although most of us know what music is in a subjective sense, none of us really knows what it is in an objective sense. There has been a revival of "music science" in recent decades, but modern science remains profoundly ignorant about what music is, what it means (if anything) and why we respond to it the way we do.
Gone are the days, when poetry was used as a mere tool for memory training, through the mechanical repeti-tion of hundreds of lines. The sole purpose of learning poetry today in the elementary classes is to enjoy it. The music of words, the thrill of the galloping rhymes and the smooth rhythm should create an atmosphere which the child loves, providing him with an exhilarating sense of aesthetic pleasure. From such a level, it is possible to lead the child to the realms of creative aspiration in thought and word.
Gone are the days, when poetry was used as a mere tool for memory training, through the mechanical repeti-tion of hundreds of lines. The sole purpose of learning poetry today in the elementary classes is to enjoy it. The music of words, the thrill of the galloping rhymes and the smooth rhythm should create an atmosphere which the child loves, providing him with an exhilarating sense of aesthetic pleasure. From such a level, it is possible to lead the child to the realms of creative aspiration in thought and word.