The Secrets of Silver Lake (ESO-4) - (B. Reader Series)
The highly successful Burlington Reader Series, offering over 130 titles, is specially designed for ESO and Bachillerato students. It offers a wide variety of accessible adaptations and original stories that reflect the interests of students in these age groups.
What are the keys to success? Scientists have studied the traits, beliefs, and practices of successful people in all walks of life. But the answers they find wind up in stuffy academic journals aimed at other scientists.
Love Letters - The Romantic Secrets Hidden in Our Handwriting
Love Letters is filled with easy-to-understand and useful information, showing how by looking at small samples of handwriting, you can start to make better choices of romantic partners. Organized according to particular character traits, each chapter of this book focuses on a specific principle and offers concise explanations.
The book is also full of celebrity handwriting samples, all used to illustrate certain personality types. Find out whether you have the organizational skills of Madonna, or, the intuitive powers of Bruce Springsteen. Does your loved one have the ambition of Napoleon or the strength of will of Babe Ruth?
Since “It is done unto you as you believe,” anything you believe to be true will become your experience. If you believe that no one is hiring, you should expect rejection and interviews are grueling personal interrogations, that’s exactly what you will experience.
On the other hand, if you believe that opportunities are everywhere, people in position of authority want to know you and job interviews are delightful conversations with your brand new colleagues, that’s exactly what you will experience. Either way, you’re right!