The basic aim of the course is to teach the pupils to use English through material which has been structurally graded and integrated. Integration has been based on the following principles: Nothing will be spoken before it has been heard. Nothing will be read before it has been spoken. Nothing will be written before it has been read. There are 60 Teaching Units in Book One. Each Teaching Unit consists of two classroom lessons making 120 lessons in all of 30-45 minutes each. The presentation is entirely audio-visual at the outset but becomes audio-visual-lingual after the pupils have made some progress.
Fry's Planet WordStephen Fry explores linguistic achievements and how our skills for the spoken word have developed in a new five-part series for BBC.
In Planet Word, Stephen dissects language in all its guises with his inimitable mixture of learning, love of lexicon and humour. He analyses how we use and abuse language and asks whether we are near to beginning to understand the complexities of its DNA.
From the time when man first mastered speech to the cyber world of modern times with its html codes and texting, Planet Word takes viewers on a journey across the globe to discover just how far humans have come when it comes to the written and spoken word.
Гасина А. А. -Разговорный английский для продолжающих- / -Intermediate Spoken English- by A. GasinaГасина А. А.
Пособие предназначено тем, кто хотел бы продолжить осваивать современный разговорный английский язык самостоятельно или под руководством преподавателя. Достоинством издания является наличие параллельного перевода основных диалогов и речевых образцов. Содержит аудиозаписи тематических текстов, начитанных носителями языка.
Do you ever get tongue-tied? Want to get your opinion across? Need to write an important business letter? Brush up your written and spoken communication in just 30 minutes with this handy pocket book.
This book is to improve your English speaking skills. After reading this book you will feel much more confident and better-equipped at speaking English.