Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Pathology, 2nd Edition, is skillfully designed to help you confidently sign out your most complex and challenging cases. Covering a complete range of tumors and tumor-like conditions in all organ systems, it provides a user-friendly road map to the main criteria you should consider in order to differentiate between a variety of potential diagnoses that all have a very similar appearance.
With this practical, hands-on guide, you'll know what to expect--cost-wise, care-wise, and chore-wise. You'll have information on choosing the right dog for your family, caring for it, and more. Information and interactive activities include: Worksheets that help you make informed decisions, choose a breeder or a veterinarian, and more Questions and charts to help you determine if your family is ready for dog ownership, whether to get a puppy or a dog, and more
What Every Student Should Know About Using a Handbook
What Every Student Should Know About Using a Handbook offers students concrete strategies for getting the most out of their handbook. It shows students that handbooks are all-in-one, easy to reference tools that can pre invaluable help when engaging in any type or writing or research assignment, whether in their introductory writing course or beyond.
What is history and why should we study it? Is there such a thing as historical truth? Is history a science? One of the most accomplished historians at work today, John Lewis Gaddis, answers these and other questions in this short, witty, and humane book. The Landscape of History provides a searching look at the historian's craft, as well as a strong argument for why a historical consciousness should matter to us today. Gaddis points out that while the historical method is more sophisticated than most historians realize, it doesn't require unintelligible prose to explain.
Innovative Assessment for the 21st Century: Supporting Educational Needs
Innovative Assessment for the 21st Century explores the faces of future assessment—and ask hard questions, such as: What would an assessment that captures all of the above attributes look like? Should it be standardized? What is the role of the professional teacher?