Caesar was a force, whether for good or ill. How you see him depends on your politics. Caesar had become dictator for life at the time of his assassination on the Ides of March 44 B.C. Augustus completed Caesar's move to autocracy when he changed the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Tatum argues by doing so Augustus provided something better than what the Republic had to offer: Where the Republic offered great men, like Sulla, Pompey, and Caesar, the chance to make names for themselves and their posterity, Augustus offered peace and security. Tatum argues this conclusion well, if unconvincingly.
Cicero in Letters: Epistolary Relations of the Late Republic
Cicero in Letters is a guide to the first extensive correspondence that survives from the Greco-Roman world. The more than eight hundred letters of Cicero that are its core pred literary models for subsequent letter writers from Pliny to Petrarch to Samuel Johnson and beyond. The collection also includes some one hundred letters by Cicero's contemporaries. The letters they exchanged pre unique insight into the experience of the Roman political class at the turning point between Republican and imperial rule.
Beginning Latin Poetry Reader: 70 Passages from Classical Roman Verse and Drama
Added by: marchus001 | Karma: 190.32 | Black Hole | 7 October 2010
Beginning Latin Poetry Reader: 70 Passages from Classical Roman Verse and Drama
As a learner of Latin, you want to experience the Roman world by reading its writers in their original language. But you may be unsure where to begin in the classical canon or you may worry that your Latin skills are insufficient to tackle authentic texts.
Requiring only a grounding in the basics, Beginning Latin Poetry Reader lets you explore the rich and diverse range of Latin verse, including epics, comedies, satires, lyric poetry, and even graffiti! Inside you'll find seventy selections from authors of the early Republic such as Plautus and Terrance as well as those
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Roman Britain: A Sourcebook (Routledge Sourcebooks for the Ancient World)
by Stanley Ireland
Roman Britain: A Sourcebook has established itself as the only comprehensive collection of source material on the subject. It incorporates literary, numismatic and epigraphic evidence for the history of Britain under Roman rule, as well as translations of major literary sources.
The Ending of Roman Britain explains what Britain was like in the fourth century AD and how this can be understood only in the wider context of the western Roman Empire. The emphasis is on the information to be won from archaeology rather than history, leading to a compelling explanation of the fall of Roman Britain and some novel suggestions about the place of post-Roman population in the formation of England.