A striking achievement of historical synthesis combined with a compelling interpretative line," The Roman Empire at Bay" enables students of all periods to understand the dynamics of great imperial powers. David Potter's comprehensive survey of two critical and eventful centuries traces the course of imperial decline, skillfully weaving together cultural, intellectual and political history.
The occupation of Britain for 400 years by the Roman Empire is still the subject of much interest and continually emerging material.Roman Britainby David Shotter offers a concise introduction to this period, drawing on the wealth of recent scholarship to explain the progress of the Romans and their objectives in conquering Britain.
This fourth book in Dando-Collins’s definitive history of Rome’s legions tells the story of Rome’s 3rd Gallica Legion, which put Vespasian on the throne and saved the life of the Christian apostle Paul. Named for their leader, Mark Antony, these common Roman soldiers, through their gallantry on the battlefield, reshaped the Roman Empire and aided the spread of Christianity throughout Europe.
War was a key part of the life and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. It influenced every level of existence, from the men fighting hand to hand to defend their communities, to the significance economic impact of organising a large fighting force. The ancient writers who tell us about technical aspects of military practice and the management of armies can shed much light on the murky area of the conduct of war, and convey the interest that the subject inspired in the ancient world.
The Fall of the Roman Republic, provides an accessible introduction to this complex topic in Roman history. Drawing on a wealth of recent scholarship, David Shotter examines how the Roman republic was destabilized by the unplanned growth of the Roman empire.