Thinking Out Loud: On the Personal, the Political, the Public and the Private (audio)
Thinking out loud is what Anna Quindlen does best. A syndicated columnist with her finger on the pulse of women's lives, and her heart in a place we all share, she writes about the passions, politics, and peculiarities of Americans everywhere. From gays in the military, to the race for First Lady, to the trials of modern motherhood and the right to choose, Anna Quindlen's views always fascinate.
English for Life: Writing A2 Pre-Intermediate & Resources for Teachers
If you want to get better at writing in English you need to practise writing different kinds of texts. Collins Writing (A2) presents 20 styles of writing for everyday situations, to help you choose the right style of writing and the right words and phrases.
Improve your writing for: • text messages • postcards • making plans • invitations • advertisements • job applications • social networking sites e.g. Facebook and Twitter •
English for Life: Writing B1+ Intermediate & Resources for Teachers
To write confidently in English you need to practise different styles of written English. Collins Writing helps you recognize different styles and choose the right language to get your message across. The twenty units focus on a wide variety of texts so that you can feel just as comfortable writing a postcard or using social media online. Learn to write as fluently as you speak, use the right tone, and use persuasive language to get the response you need.
English for Life: Speaking A2 Pre-Intermediate + Audio & Resources for Teachers
To improve your speaking skills you need to learn how to get your message across in the right way and make sure people understand what you say. With Collins Speaking (A2) you will learn what to say and how to say it, by practising the right words, phrases and pronunciation. Includes practice on: • meeting new people • buying and ordering things • speaking on the phone • apologizing • asking for and giving opinions • making a complaint • agreeing and disagreeing •
The Confidence Book is easy to use. Most of the activities require very little pre-lesson analysis or preparation - just an open mind (or a number of them) - and a desire to let things happen. You could say that the book has its own natural order, progressing from students teaching each other their names, right through to teachers dealing with being observed.