American Theatre covers theatrical trends and events, stage artists of every stripe, and economic and legislative developments affecting the arts. Its main purview is America’s wide-ranging network of professional, not-for-profit theatres—commercial, amateur or university theatre is less frequently covered—and the magazine does not review productions (but does review theatre-related books).
Sixty-five of the world’s leading writers open up about the books and authors that have meant the most to them Every Sunday, readers of The New York Times Book Review turn with anticipation to see which novelist, historian, short story writer, or artist will be the subject of the popular By the Book feature. These wide-ranging interviews are conducted by Pamela Paul, the editor of the Book Review, and here she brings together sixty-five of the most intriguing and fascinating exchanges, featuring personalities as varied as David Sedaris, Hilary Mantel, Michael Chabon, Khaled Hosseini, Anne Lamott, and James Patterson.
Harvard Business Review USA - January-February 2015
Harvard Business Review is a general management magazine published since 1922 by Harvard Business School Publishing, owned by the Harvard Business School. A monthly research-based magazine written for business practitioners, it claims a high ranking business readership among academics, executives, and management consultants.
This Interactive Reader is a workbook intended to be written in. It has three types of selections: literature, informational texts, and documents that students may encounter in various activities. All selections include the same basic preparation, support, and review materials. Vocabulary previews, skill descriptions, graphic organizers, review questions, and other tools help understand and enjoy the selections. Moreover, tips and questions in the side margins ensure that students can apply and practice the skills they are learning as they read.
The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is an internet-based test, or iBT, and this updated edition of Barron's TOEFL manual simulates the test's internet-based format. The manual presents seven full-length model TOEFL iBT tests with explanations or examples for all questions, including sample essays and speaking responses. Author Pamela Sharpe also gives test-takers a general orientation to the TOEFL iBT and follows with a review of academic skills, which include note taking, paraphrasing, summarizing, and synthesizing. A review of language skills covers listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English.