Bedside Procedures for the Intensivist delivers practical tips and clear, step-by-step instruction on the most common procedures in the ICU. The convenient and portable handbook focuses on ultrasound-guided techniques, including an introduction to ultrasound physics and principles, while individual chapters provide concise “how-to” text supplemented with numerous full-color figures and tables that summarize key content. Residents, fellows, and trainees in critical care will benefit from the detailing of indications and contraindications for performing core procedures, while more experienced intensivists will find the book a reliable source of review material.
Added by: honhungoc | Karma: 8663.28 | Black Hole | 6 March 2011
Biostatistics DeMYSTiFied
A self-teaching guide to all the statistical procedures used in all medical disciplines
Offering broad coverage of all the statistical procedures used in all medical disciplines, this book is the ideal course companion and self-study tool. This easy-to-use guide clearly shows how to use counts and measurements to carry out description, comparison, correlation, and prediction in the biomedical field, and how to evaluate data accordingly. The book uses practical medical examples to improve students grasp of biostatistical analyses and features end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam to test knowledge.
George Galen is a brilliant scientist, a pioneer in gene therapy. But Galen is dangerously insane - he has created a method to alter human DNA, not just to heal diseases, but to “improve” people - make them stronger, make them able to heal more quickly, and make them compliant to his will.
Teach Yourself Basic Mathematics gets you up and running with all the math you need to confidently meet the numerical challenges of everyday living. Here you will learn how to rapidly perform basic arithmetic procedures; change between different systems of measurement; master fractions, decimals, and percentages; interpret simple graphs and tables; and apply basic geometry and algebra to problems in many areas of life, from shopping to home repairs. And, just to keep things interesting, the book includes fun games and puzzles that help you test your mastery of the procedures covered.