The Secrets Series® is breaking new ground again. A two-color page layout, a portable size, and a list of the "Top 100 Secrets" in biostatistics and epidemiology help readers to better meet the challenges they face today. Readers will still find all of the features they rely on the Secret Series® for—a question-and-answer format, lists, mnemonics, and tables and an informal tone that make reference fast and easy.
Added by: honhungoc | Karma: 8663.28 | Black Hole | 6 March 2011
Biostatistics DeMYSTiFied
A self-teaching guide to all the statistical procedures used in all medical disciplines
Offering broad coverage of all the statistical procedures used in all medical disciplines, this book is the ideal course companion and self-study tool. This easy-to-use guide clearly shows how to use counts and measurements to carry out description, comparison, correlation, and prediction in the biomedical field, and how to evaluate data accordingly. The book uses practical medical examples to improve students grasp of biostatistical analyses and features end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam to test knowledge.
The first edition of the Encyclopedia of Biostatistics proved an outstanding achievement in scientific publishing. A truly international work, its coverage ranges through statistical issues pertinent to life scientists, healthcare professionals and practising statisticians. This major publication is easily accessible for all those involved in statistical activities in medicine and health sciences, from health professionals who are not highly trained in statistics, through to fully qualified and experienced statisticians.
Appleton and Lange's Review of Epidemiology and Biostatistics for the USMLE
Review in outline format of epidemiology and statistics for medical students preparing for board examinations. One of the best books to get prepared for the questions on behavioral science of USMLE Step 1. DNLM: Epidemiology examination questions.
Basic Biostatistics for Geneticists and Epidemiologists: A Practical Approach By Robert C. Elston, William Johnson Anyone who attempts to read genetics or epidemiology research literature needs to understand the essentials of biostatistics. This book, a revised new edition of the successful Essentials of Biostatistics has been written to provide such an understanding to those who have little or no statistical background and who need to keep abreast of new findings in this fast moving field.
Edited by: Pumukl - 27 September 2009
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