This CD that can be used either as an audio CD or as a CD-ROM (Win/Mac) and features a fully dramatized version of the story and song with background music in both American English and British English. It also contains complete, uninterrupted versions of the background music for staging purposes.Structures: present simple / present progressive / can / imperative / this / there is / who?, what?, where? / possessive adjectives (my, your, his) / basic prepositions of place (near, to, in, into, at, under) If anynone has the book please, upload.
In 1851 Queen Victoria opened the Great Exhibition in Hyde Park, it was the high water mark of English achievement - the nation at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution, at the heart of a burgeoning Empire, with a queen who would reign for another 50 years. In the following 150 years, the fate of the nation has faced turmoil and transformation. But it is too simple to talk of decline? Has Great Britain sacrificed its identity in order to stay part of the present world order. Leading historian, Jeremy Black, completes the landmark four volume Brief History of Britain series with a brilliant, insightful examination of how present day Britain was formed.
From Real English®, a completely free site for learning English: original videos with interactive lessons, an English teacher always present to help you when you need a hand, and a Community of teachers & students learning together.
It takes only a page or two of Home, Toni Morrison’s finely wrought 10th novel, before you find yourself relaxing into the hands of a master. Nobody owns a sentence like Ms. Morrison. Completely at ease in her craft, she spins slender, lyrical prose around a Korean War vet named Frank Money, who retreats into violent memories to escape his fractured present; his sister, Cee, abandoned by her husband and abused by a medical experiment; and the racial, economic, and emotional oppression fostered by their era and situation.
The English language is a battlefield. Since the age of Shakespeare, arguments over correct usage have been acrimonious, and those involved have always really been contesting values - to do with morality, politics and class. THE LANGUAGE WARS examines the present state of the conflict, its history and its future. Above all, it uses the past as a way of illuminating the present.