This book brings together research and theory about `New Learning', the term we use for new learning outcomes, new kinds of learning processes and new instructional methods that are both wanted by society and stressed in psychological theory in many countries at present. It describes and illustrates the differences as well as the modern versions of the traditional innovative ideas.
Raise the Issues: An Integrated Approach to Critical Thinking
Raise the Issues helps advanced students develop critical thinking skills as they gain insight into American Attitudes and values. It combines original broadcasts from NPR® with authentic articls from publications such as The New York Times, The Atlantic Monthly, and the International Herald-Tribune to present dffering viewpoints on contemporary topics.
Made in America The book covers the history of English Language in North America from the time of the first English speaking arrivals from Europe (even touching upon those who came to the continent long before), to the present day. Reuploaded Thanks to Eugenius
Nate the Great, super sleuth, has his work cut out for him when Rosamond loses his birthday present. He and his faithful dog Sludge must face snow, ice, and ferocious-looking Fang, Annie's dog, to solve the case. But how can Nate find his missing present when Rosamond won't tell him what it is?