When a popular, literature-related research web site called the Wordwood crashes, everyone visiting the site including popular author Christy Riddell's girlfriend, Saskia Madding suddenly vanishes. Now her friends must somehow find her before it's too late.
This volume of translations is prepared especially for the use of college sophomores who are studying English poetry of the fourteenth century, but it is hoped that other readers may be interested in these old legends. Ideally, it would be better for students to read the original texts, but every teacher knows how difficult it is to provide texts in this field. The various Middle English Readers are not frankly popular in their choice of subject matter, and the publications of learned societies are far too expensive to be available for classroom work.
Popular Controversies in World History: The Ancient World to the Early Middle Ages
Exploring a series of high-profile debates from 2,000 years before Christianity to 1,000 years after, this volume provides a format that invites readers to draw their own conclusions. The Ark of the Covenant...The monoliths of Easter Island...The origins of the Celtic Church...The Toltecs and Mayans...The time period from 2,000 years before Christianity to the millennium gave rise to many mysteries that have intrigued historians for ages.
The book presents multiple perspectives and arguments for the 15 controversies discussed in the work, and offers a chronology of the controversies within the specific time period of the volume.
Vernacular Bodies - The Politics of Reproduction in Early Modern England
Making babies was a mysterious process in seventeenth-century England. Fissell uses popular sources - songs, jokes, witchcraft pamphlets, prayerbooks, popular medical manuals - to recover how ordinary men and women understood the processes of reproduction. Because the human body was so often used as a metaphor for social relations, the grand events of high politics such as the English Civil War reshaped popular ideas about conception and pregnancy. This book is the first account of ordinary people's ideas about reproduction, and offers a new way to understand how common folk experienced the sweeping political changes that characterized early modern England.
To know a German Shepherd Dog is to love a German Shepherd Dog—those upright ears, piercing eyes that can see into your soul, that shiny black saddle sitting above sturdy, yet graceful, legs. It's no wonder the German Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds on the planet.