How to Teach Poetry Writing is a practical, activity-based book of writing workshops for teachers of junior classes. Each workshop will help you to build enjoyable activities for pupils, to help them to develop practical writing skills. Workshops include redrafting and revising activities, poetry writing frames, poems from a range of cultures, traditional and contemporary poems, poems by children, and lots of writing advice and plenty of fun. Each workshop has been trailed in classrooms across the country, and is linked to NLS objectives.
Knitting Book. Full-color reproductions of original pattern swatches, sweaters, and accessories from the Bohus workshop in Sweden_along with the history of the women who designed them are included in this beautiful book. Instructions for 7 different garments are featured, plus step-by-step instructions for 46 design/garment combinations.
The Translator as Communicator argues that the division of the subject into literary and non-literary, technical and non-technical and so on, is unhelpful and misleading. Instead of dwelling on these differentials, the authors focus on what common ground exists between these distinctions. The proposed model is presented through a series of case studies, ranging from legal texts to poems, each of which focuses on one particular feature of text constitution, while not losing sight of how this contributes to the whole analytic apparatus.
Added by: littlecrabpig | Karma: 227.82 | Fiction literature | 2 February 2011
The Nation's Favourite: Love Poems (Poetry)
In this selection of 100 popular poems, poets of every age consider that most universal of themes: love. As well as traditional lovers' favourites such as Elizabeth Barrett Browning's 'How do I love thee?' and Shakespeare's 'Shall I compare theee to a summer's day?' there are contemporary voices such as Adrian Mitchell, Wendy Cope and John Fuller, whose erudite yet salacious 'Valentine' would melt the most fridgid heart. There are even poems for those more melancholic moments, Hardy's haunting 'After a Journey', for example, and Larkin's poignant 'Love Songs in Age'.
Entertaining little book introduces youngsters to 70 rhythmic recreations in which players chanting nonsense rhymes are excluded from the group, one by one, as last word of rhyme reaches them. Includes "Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home" and "I’m a little Dutch girl, dressed in blue." Poems accompanied by 61 clever, colorable vignettes.