Added by: mct | Karma: 2986.29 | Exam Materials » PET | 11 April 2010
PET Masterclass Intermediate – SBPET Masterclass is the latest addition to the popular Masterclass series providing practice and training for the Cambridge Preliminary English Test. Modular course with exam preparation for all parts of the PET, Exam guide with useful Facts, techniques and Tips, Vocabulary reference and Grammar reference included at the back of the book.
The widespread construction of castles in Britain began as soon as Duke William of Normandy set foot on the shores of southern England in 1066. The castles that were constructed in the ensuing centuries, and whose ruins still scatter the British countryside today, provide us with an enduring record of the needs and ambitions of the times. But the essence of the medieval castle-a structure that is equal parts military, residential, and symbolic--reveals itself not only through the grandeur of such architectural masterpieces as the Tower of London
Dinosaur Mad Libs and Mad Libs For President MadLibs3_SooperDooper Scooby Doo Mad Libs Wacky MadLibs III
For 45 years, Mad Libs® has been entertaining and educating children and adults of all ages. It's the classic word game that helps teach parts of speech!
The present work is the first in-depth cross-linguistic study on loan verbs and the morphological, syntactic and sociolinguistic aspects of loan verb accommodation, investigating claims that verbs generally are more difficult to borrow than other parts of speech, or that verbs could not be borrowed as verbs and needed a re-verbalization in the borrowing language.
Очень ценная книга, особенно для преподавателей английского языка. Вся грамматика дается на английском языке, с множеством примеров и подробным и ясным разбором сложных моментов. Рекомендована для обучения студентов-лингвистов. The object of this book is to give a course of English grammar for students specializing in the English language. The book includes Accidence, i. e. the parts of speech and morphological categories, and Syntax, i. e. the sentence and the parts of the sentence, The rules are illustrated by examples taken from English and American authors. Workbook added Thanks to arcadius!