Let me offer you five OCR-ed books on phrasal verbs and idioms: 1.“Making Headway - Phrasal Verbs and Idioms. Upper-Intermediate”. 2.“Making Headway - Phrasal Verbs and Idioms. Advanced”. 3.“Making Sense of Phrasal Verbs", By Martin Shovel.
4.“Idioms For Everyday Use”, by Milada Broukal.5.“Speak English Like An American - Idioms and vocabulary”, by Amy Gillett.
Princeton - Word Smart II (1st ed.)
Книга поможет увеличить ваш словарный запас.
The words in this volume are just as important as the words in our first book. The words here are perhaps a bit more difficult, and appear somewhat less frequently, but they all belong in an educated vocabulary.
This volume stresses correct pronunciation more than we did in the original (when we revise the original book, we'll emphasize pronunciation there, too). For variety, this book contains new drills to help you learn and remember the words. КНИГА ЗАЛИТА НА НАШ СЕРВЕР