Numerical psychometric tests, often used as part of an employer's selection procedure, represent a considerable challenge to many candidates. How to Pass Advanced Numeracy Tests provides a wealth of highly relevant practice questions and detailed explanations to help candidates prepare for such tests. Pitched at a more advanced "graduate" level, it also has much to offer the beginner, such as a section on revising the basics. Testing areas covered include quantitative reasoning, data interpretation, and business judgment. With over 500 practice questions, plus four realistic practice tests, this book from testing expert Mike Bryon offers readers the opportunity to prepare themselves thoroughly.
IQ and Aptitude Tests contains 400 brand new practice questions together with answers, explanations, and a guide to assessing performance. The questions are organized into four IQ tests together with verbal, spatial, and numerical aptitude tests. These include tests of word meanings, grammar and comprehension, advanced verbal aptitude, logical analysis, mental arithmetic, numerical sequences, and number problems. Aptitude tests and IQ tests are increasingly encountered in recruitment, selection, and assessment procedures. This book is especially valuable to those who are faced with an aptitude or IQ test, and it will also help anyone improve their verbal, numerical, and reasoning skills.
By understanding why children struggle with maths, teachers are better equipped to provide effective support and nurture confidence in low-achievers.
Numeracy and Learning Difficulties includes how to tackle common learning difficulties by following different teaching practices and principles, identifying gaps in students' knowledge and developing curricula that bridges these gaps, improves numerical literacy using probem-solving strategies and skills, and a handy checklist of benchmanrks in achievement.
Through a combination of tracing and recitation exercises, this book encourages children to practice writing the numbers from 1 to 9 repeatedly until it becomes second nature. While improving basic pencil-control abilities and learning the numerical order of numbers from 1 to 30, children are naturally exposed to the world of numbers.
Ages 3-5.
ends BookCatBlock
start My Book of NUMBERS 1-120
By using the skills acquired from the tracing and coloring exercises in the above book, children will gain more advanced number recognition abilities. Understanding the sequence of numbers up to 150 will prepare children for mastering higher-level, multi-digit calculations. Children who have a firm grasp of numerical order are much more likely to learn arithmetic and math with ease. Ages 4-6.