Geometric Partial Differential Equations and Image Analysis
This book provides an introduction to the use of geometric partial differential equations in image processing and computer vision. It brings a number of new concepts into the field, providing a very fundamental and formal approach to image processing. State-of-the-art practical results in a large number of real problems are achieved with the techniques described. Applications covered include image segmentation, shape analysis, image enhancement, and tracking.
These two books present an innovative approach to reinforcing students' math skills. The 27 engaging lessons in each book are easy to implement, require little or no preparation, and take only 5 to 15 minutes to teach. Designed for use during transition times, the minilessons help students practice math concepts, skills, and processes by applying them in a variety of problem-solving contexts throughout the school day. Content areas explored include: number and operations; algebra; geometry; data analysis and probability; and measurement.
A collection of old and new problems, puzzles, games, and diversions based on probability, geometry, number patterns, magic squares, and the laws of physics.
Table of Contents:
1. Number Problems 2. Number Patterns 3. Magic and Party Tricks with Numbers
Table of Contents: 1. Counting 2. The Search for Prime Numbers 3. The World Record Holders 4. The Distribution of Primes 5. Prime Races, Emirps, and More 6. The Baffling Law of Benford 7. What is so Special about 6174?
How many colors are needed to color a map? Must hailstones numbers always fall to the ground? Can statistics prove anything? What is a perfect square, and who has found the ultimate one? How do numbers affect national security? What kinds of problems confront the traveling salesman? Does anyone know how best to pack balls together?