Kevin Trudeau, the world's foremost authority on memory improvement training believes that there are no bad memories, only untrained memories. In order to release natural photographic memories, listeners just need to learn to retrieve what is already known. As founder of the American Memory Institute, Kevin Trudeau has already helped more than one million people to do just that.
It is one of the six non-detective novels that Agatha Christie wrote under her pen name, Mary Westmacott. Joan Scudamore, housewife and mother of three grown children, is happy, remarkably self-satisfied, and not-at-all introspective. Trapped alone in a foreign rest house she has nothing to do but reconsider her life. Self-analysis is at first unpleasant and then terrifying, as Joan probes deeper and deeper into her memories of interpersonal relationships. At last, mentally stripped to the core, she must reconstruct herself to face the future.
Modern classics. NovelMarcel Proust (1871-1922) is on his deathbed. Looking at photographs brings memories of his childhood, his youth, his lovers, and the way the Great War put an end to a stratum of society. His memories are in no particular order, they move back and forth in time. Marcel at various ages interacts with Odette, with the beautiful Gilberte and her doomed husband, with the pleasure-seeking Baron de Charlus, with Marcel's lover Albertine, and with others; present also in memory are Marcel's beloved mother and grandmother. It seems as if to live is to remember and to capture memories is to create a work of great art.
These writings come straight from Jung's own inner experience and it is his last book before his death in 1961. Memories, Dreams, Reflections is a partially autobiographical book by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and associate Aniela Jaffé. The book details Jung's childhood, his personal life, and exploration into the psyche. Carl Gustav Jung (1875, –, 1961,) was a Swiss psychiatrist, influential thinker, and founder of analytical psychology. Jung's unique and broadly influential approach to psychology has emphasized understanding the psyche through exploring the worlds of dreams, art, mythology, world religion and philosophy.
Following the huge success of Silence of the Grave, another spellbinding thriller from the winner of the CWA Gold Dagger. Detective Erlendur encounters memories of his troubled past in this gripping and award-winning continuation of the Reykjavik Murder Mysteries.