Added by: avrodavies | Karma: 1114.24 | Other | 3 October 2014
Reflections, An Oral History of Twin Peaks examines David Lynch and Mark Frost's legendary television series that aired on the ABC network from 1990-91. As the mystery of "Who Killed Laura Palmer?" played out on television sets across the world, another compelling drama was unfolding in the everyday lives of the show's cast and crew. Twenty-five years later, Reflections goes behind the curtain of Twin Peaks and documents the series' unlikely beginnings, widespread success, and peculiar collapse.
I Remember Nothing: and Other Reflections - Nora Ephron
A master of the jujitsu essay, Ephron leaves us breathless with rueful laughter. As the title suggests, she writes about the weird vagaries of memory as we age . . . But the truth is, Ephron remembers a lot. Take her stinging reminiscence of her entry into journalism at Newsweek in the early 1960s, when ‘girls,’ no matter how well qualified, were never considered for reporter positions. . . . Whether she takes on bizarre hair problems, culinary disasters, an addiction to online Scrabble, the persistent pain of a divorce, or that mean old devil, age, Ephron is candid, self-deprecating
This booklet discusses several types of action research, its history, and a process that may be used to engage educators in action research. Two stories from the field, written by teachers about their own reflections on the process, are given as illustrations of action research.
These writings come straight from Jung's own inner experience and it is his last book before his death in 1961. Memories, Dreams, Reflections is a partially autobiographical book by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and associate Aniela Jaffé. The book details Jung's childhood, his personal life, and exploration into the psyche. Carl Gustav Jung (1875, –, 1961,) was a Swiss psychiatrist, influential thinker, and founder of analytical psychology. Jung's unique and broadly influential approach to psychology has emphasized understanding the psyche through exploring the worlds of dreams, art, mythology, world religion and philosophy.
The Dramatic Imagination - Reflections and Speculations on the Art of the Theatre, Reissue
The Dramatic Imagination is one of the few enduring works written about set design. Robert Edmond Jones's innovations in set design and lighting brought new ideas to the stage, but it is greater understanding of design - its role at the heart of theatre - that has continued to inspire theatre students. The volume includes 'A New Kind of Drama,' 'To a Young Stage Designer' and six other of Jones's 'reflections.'