Textbook surgical education usually follows a predictable format involving fairly in-depth descriptions of various pathologic conditions including etiology, pathophysiology, symptomatology, diagnostic procedures, conservative management, and surgical treatment. Although there is variation in the emphasis different books place on each of these areas, the reader is obliged to absorb a plethora of information and add it to his or her knowledge base by rote retention...
This book is a practical, hands-on guide to endoscopic sinus and skull basesurgery that every specialist needs. From fundamentals to more advanced techniques such as tumor surgery and traumatology, this symptom-oriented manual contains easy-to-follow guidelines for every aspect of the field. The perfect introduction for beginners or an ideal refresher for veterans, his practical book is a key endoscopic sinus surgery resource and must-havereference for every practice.
Provides comprehensive, step-by-step guidance for completing an orthopedic examination and summarizes relevant anatomical details. Abundant, high-quality halftone illustrations are used to guide the resident or medical student through the examination process. Includes new material on thoracic outlet syndrome, shoulder instabilities, and more.
Russ Kick has proved himself a master at uncovering facts that "they" would prefer you never hear about. The rapid success of the large-format Disinformation Guide series edited by Kick has only whetted a roaring public appetite for more revelations about government cover-ups, scientific scams, corporate crimes, medical malfeasance, historical whitewashes, media manipulation, and other knock-your-socks-off secrets and lies.
The following is a glossary of anatomical and histological (microscopic anatomy) terms: their etymology – derivation where relavent, their word roots, prefixes, suffixesand their pronunciation. Other common medical terminology used in health studies are also included. Many of these terms will appear again and again in medical/health related subjects.