The Tabloid Terrorist: The Predicative Construction of New Terrorism in the Media by Alexander Spencerby Alexander Spencer
Words matter in terrorism research. Not only do they describe reality, but they actively take part in the construction of the world as we see, talk, hear, imagine and ultimately react to it. The Tabloid Terrorist introduces a constructivist approach to the study of terrorism by examining the discursive constitution of the terrorist in tabloid newspapers.
Electromagnetics of Time Varying Complex Media: Frequency and Polarization Transformer
Completely revised and updated to reflect recent advances in the fields of materials science and electromagnetics, Electromagnetics of Time Varying Complex Media, Second Edition provides a comprehensive examination of current topics of interest in the research community—including theory, numerical simulation, application, and experimental work. Written by a world leader in the research of frequency transformation in a time-varying magnetoplasma medium, the new edition of this bestselling reference discusses how to apply a time-varying medium to design a frequency and polarization transformer.
Ben Bagdikian's book presents a critique of modern mass media industry and reveals the policies of media owners as aimed not at pluralism and diversity, but at money-making and uniformity of opinion presented to the audience.
Using Story: In Higher Education and Professional Development
Story is everywhere in human lives and cultures and it features strongly in the processes of teaching and learning. Story can be called narrative, case study, critical incident, life history, anecdote, scenario, illustration or example, creative writing, storytelling; it is a unit of communication, it is in the products of the media industries, in therapy and in our daily acts of reflecting. Stories are 'told' in many ways - they are spoken, written, filmed, mimed or acted, presented as cartoons and in new media formats and through all these, they are associated with both teaching and learning processes but in different ways and at different levels
On Anxiety takes a fascinating, psychological plunge behind the scenes of our panic stricken culture and into anxious minds, asking who and what is responsible. Putting anxiety on the couch, Renata Salecl asks some much-needed questions: Is anxiety about the absence of authority or too much of it? Do the media report anxiety or create it? Are drugs a cure for anxiety or its cause? Is anxiety about being yourself or someone else, and is anxiety really the ultimate obstacle to happiness?