Английский язык в средствах массовой информации / English in Mass Media
English in Mass Media is a book for the advanced students of the English language. Its advanced level can be discerned not only in the mature issues it tackles but also in the specific character of the news language genre and the complexity of authentic texts it features.
This book aims to develop students’ reading, speaking and writing skills on topics that can be found in Mass Media.
Measure What Matters: Online Tools For Understanding Customers, Social Media, Engagement, and Key Relationships
In an online and social media world, measurement is the key to success If you can measure your key business relationships, you can improve them. Even though relationships are "fuzzy and intangible," they can be measured and managed-with powerful results.
Humor in contemporary culture is generally celebrated as a public good, yet at times is felt to produce misunderstanding and even hatred. Now available in paperback, this collection explores the ethics and aesthetics of humor, in everyday life and in media comedy. An updated introduction looks at the implications of the Brand/Ross controversy.
The program is intended for watching videos (avi, mkv, mp4) with subtitles (srt), listening to audiobooks (mp3) with subtitles (srt, lrc) and reading texts (txt, rtf). It is made specially for languages learners (for English learners first of all). The basic feature of the player is the opportunity of fast translation of words of contexts in dictionaries connected to the program, and also in external electronic dictionaries.
Taking a holistic approach to developmental reading, ACTIVATE: COLLEGE READING is the first book in a 3-book series. It guides students through a stepped and incremental approach, activating background or prior knowledge as many of the skills students need to become stronger readers are skills they already possess and use on a daily basis. Often using popular media as a springboard, Dole and Taggart show students how the skills used when watching television or movies can easily transfer to their reading.