Роман "Моя кузина Рейчел" - это психологическая драма, главная героиня которой - "роковая женщина", приносящая несчастье тем, кто ее любит, и ненаходящая счастье сама. Для широкого круга читателей, изучающих английский язык. Аудиокнига.
Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca Radio DramatizationRadio Dramatization of Du Maurier's classic novel.
With Lawrence Olivier as Maxim and Vivien Leigh as the 2nd. Mrs. De Winter. The first 45 seconds of the recording are not very good, but after that it is very good.
The Apple Tree: A collection of stories by Daphne Du Maurier
Added by: annabelle_lee | Karma: 428.14 | Fiction literature | 11 June 2010
The Apple Tree: A collection of stories by Daphne Du MaurierA collection of sinister and macabre short stories by Daphne du Maurier, including "The Birds" on which Hitchcock famously based his film of the same name.