Added by: hmimi | Karma: 167.25 | Black Hole | 19 November 2013
The Cambridge Introduction Nathaniel Hawthorne
Born on the Fourth of July in 1804, Nathaniel Hawthorne ranks with Herman Melville, Henry James, and Mark Twain among the best nineteenth-century American male novelists. Hawthorne grew up in Salem, Massachusetts, and Puritan historyprovidedhimwith the backgroundformanyof his later fictional wor
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The Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) is a state-mandated assessment based on grade-specific language arts standards derived from the Massachusetts English Language Arts Curriculum Framework. This lively and engaging review book provides instruction and practice covering all areas tested on the MCAS.
"I believe that the reader will discover here the essential nature of one of the strangest and most awful chapters in human history," Arthur Miller wrote in an introduction to The Crucible, his classic play about the witch-hunts and trials in seventeenth-century Salem, Massachusetts. Based on historical people and real events, Miller's drama is a searing portrait of a community engulfed by hysteria.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 29 August 2011
The Soul Catcher
FBI Special Agent Maggie O'Dell and her partner Tully investigate two cases--the murder of a senator's daughter in Washington, D.C., and a deadly shootout in Massachusetts, both of which are linked to Reverend Joseph Everett, who is dating Maggie's mother.
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. Pocket-sized handbook provides practical guidance to trauma evaluation and management, from on-scene assessment, stabilization, and transport, to surgical and non-surgical hospital treatments. Features a team approach and hospital-tested guidelines. Softcover. DNLM: Wounds and Injuries--therapy.