This study grew out of a series of lectures Jespersen gave at Columbia University in 1909-10, called "An Introduction to English Grammar." It is the connected presentation of Jespersen's views of the general principles of grammar based on years of studying various languages through both direct observation of living speech and written and printed documents.
Glasklar English für Fortgeschrittene
The idealcoursefor studentswith previous knowledge.Learnlanguagesas easily asatravellanguageeasilyand convenientlyfrom home! Withthe language coursesfrom the seriesGlasklarlanguagesyoulearn, step bystepandtime-independent. It offersyouoptimal support whiledeepeningyour language skills.Variedforms of exerciseprovidesignificant expertise inthe areas ofgrammar, vocabulary,listening andreading comprehension.
The program is intended for watching videos (avi, mkv, mp4) with subtitles (srt), listening to audiobooks (mp3) with subtitles (srt, lrc) and reading texts (txt, rtf). It is made specially for languages learners (for English learners first of all). The basic feature of the player is the opportunity of fast translation of words of contexts in dictionaries connected to the program, and also in external electronic dictionaries.
This book examines how the diverse forms seen in some of the world's languages affect speech development and how this can lead to fluency disorders. Language in monolingual speakers of different languages is examined as well as specific issues that may arise in speakers who speak two or more languages.
Comprehensive, clear coverage of the complex topic of bilingualism and stuttering. Approaching this topic from a language perspective, all things are considered from genetic, cortical, and environment to cultural, clinical, even animistic factors! A must-have reference for clinicians and researchers alike!!
Junior European Language Portfolio (with Teacher's Guide) The junior version of the European Language Portfolio is a Council of Europe initiative, launched in the 2001 European Year of Languages. The ELP provides pupils with a record of their achievements and progress in languages. The Junior ELP is: a way to celebrate language learning and intercultural experiences an open-ended record of children’s achievements in languages addressed to and is the property of the learner a valuable source of information to aid transfer and transition